Most of the time you will be fighting their carries and won't need this. Personally I think the new Last Whisper items aren't as good and you'll get a lot of the Armor Pen.
Zed build 6.4 full#
Use this item only if their team is full of tanks. It has 75 AD and is pretty much an awesome item! This will give you a good amount of damage, as well as a better chance to survive in fights. Gives you 20% lifesteal as well as a slowly decaying shield from excess lifesteal. You can build a crit Zed that is pretty fun but for the most part people tend to shy away from this item due to its cost. Zed usually isn't built with tons of crit so this is a strange choice. This is a fun little item to have on Zed. It gives you 10% percent lifesteal, as well as a bit of MR and AD to go along. Grab if the enemy has such things as Warwick ults, Malzahar Ults, other Zeds, or if their team has an ungodly amount of CC that can stun you for days (stuns, taunts, etc). The shield will save you from a lot of bursty AP champions that try to 100-0 before you can react.Ī good item on Zed, but more situational. With 55 MR and AD, and the lifeline/lifegrab passives, you are set. Usually, if you are having trouble vs AP, you would rush a hex drinker then finish the item a little bit later, but the double passives on Maw are incredible. The 20% cdr it gives is also amazing, especially on a 45% CDR Zed. With Phage's passive, the armor shred, and a bit of health and damage, this item synergizes amazingly with Zed. This item is a must have on most of my Zed builds.

However, other players buy different boots, such as Ninja Tabi, Boots of Swiftness, or even Mobi Boots. The only time I trade these out would be against an all AD team. With the tenacity and MR, I couldn't ask for more. These boots are my personal staples of Zed. It gives you lifesteal, percentage health damage, and a sweet active that can be used to either catch an enemy or get away from one. You usually rush this item.ĭespite Riot nerfs to this item, I still find it amazing on Zed. I recommend this item 2-3rd item, depending on what your game is like and what you feel comfortable doing.Ĭore item on Zed. Duskblade is a great item to buy mid game, as by now you will have enough damage for the passive to proc for massive damage. The utility from Youmuu's is too great to ignore as a great first item. However, with some further time to use this item, I've come to the conclusion that this item is not best as a first item. I previously stated to rush this item if possible.

Sometimes.Ħ.3's new item for assassins! This item is overpowered. Watch when she leaves she's probably roaming to try and secure a kill. Remember it is a struggle to farm with LB, so harass the crap out of her. When you ult her, and she jumps away, remember that she can always press W/R again, and where she goes back to is probably next to your ult shadow.įun matchup, buy MR. Think of what you would do as LB, what you think she will do. I can't really explain the LB vs Zed fight, however at 6 it is pure skill. As soon as she throws Q you Living Shadow to her mark and she misses the proc. As soon as she throws the Q (you can usually see when they are about too most LB players are greedy and impatient to pwn nubs) get ready to Living Shadow somewhere, preferably to where she is standing. She's going to want to get you low with her Q+W combo. As she starts getting her other abilities watch for her initiate. Harass her back with Q as it'll chunk her a lot more. Take the Q harass because it really doesn't hurt without her W or E. Skill matchup involving lots of fancy jukes and mindgames that will probably get you killed because LeBlanc is known for that kind of thing way more then Zed. Try to bait her Zhonyas or focus another member of her team. The longer the game goes, the more powerful she gets.

When Cass gets Zhonyas, this is where it gets tricky. Most players will also panic flash while you are still marking them and carry you along for a sweet ride. Be ready to instantly flash to the side or behind them as soon as you come out of your mark otherwise you will be frozen (probably under tower because you dived them, you silly Sal). Most players will panic when Zed ults and try to ult in front of them as soon as they think he appears. When Cass is 6 her ult can ruin your day, however expect it to come. Try to hit 6 before her and then instantly ult (if you have managed to keep her health low with ranged W+E+Q harass). Turn and run as fast as you can because her Twin Fangs will chunk you hard. If you get slowed by Cass, abort mission. Early game Zed might be forced to farm under tower, and take some harass, as Cass's Q has an insane range.